The Team: Peter Battisti

Peter Battisti, Executive Director

A co-founder and partner in multiple entrepreneurial ventures, Peter has 10 years of experience as an entrepreneur starting and operating renewable energy and real estate development companies. Through partnerships with high-net-worth investors and several wealth management funds, Peter has been a stakeholder in the placement of more than $20MM of real asset development. Following his passion for the start-up process and harnessing his entrepreneurial background, Peter chose to dedicate his time to working with socially responsible entrepreneurs to help launch their businesses. As an advisor and consultant, Peter has been intimately involved in developing and implementing business and investment strategies for dozens of start-up and early stage companies in the renewable energy, aquaculture, agriculture, and food service industries. To date, Peter has helped raise a total of $1.6MM of private-equity funds for his clients. Peter has had significant experience working on both sides of the “fundraising table”, providing due-diligence services to high-net-worth investors in addition to raising funds for his own ventures and those of his clients through private-equity, tax-equity, institutional lenders, and CDFI channels.